NCAER in the News

Opinion: Poonam Gupta. In September this year, India will complete 8 years since it implemented Inflation Targeting (IT). Consistent with the experience of other countries, in India too, IT has been credited with improved outcomes: gentler and less volatile headline inflation; anchored inflationary expectations; improved communication and transparency; enhanced transmission of monetary policy; greater independence...   Read More


  • Rail freight traffic’s growth to double in 2016/17: NCAER study

    The country's railway freight traffic growth is all set to double next year says Delhi based think-tank National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER). In a study carried out for the railway ministry NCAER states that the growth will happen on a business-as-usual situation without any major policy shifts. "Indian Railways' freight volume is likely...   Read More

  • Rlys freight volume growth rate likely to double: study

    New Delhi Feb 18 (PTI) Railways freight volume is likely to grow by 2.1 per cent in the next fiscal as compared to its one per cent growth in 2015-16 according to a study. The National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) study on factors impacting railway freight traffic in India presented to Railway Minister Suresh...   Read More

  • Rlys freight volume growth rate likely to double: study

    Railway Freight volume is likely to grow by 2.1 per cent in the next fiscal as compared to its one per cent growth in 2015-16 according to a study. The National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) study on factors impacting railway freight traffic in India presented to Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu said the doubling...   Read More

  • Business sentiment remains stable in Q3: NCAER

    NEW DELHI: The business sentiment in the country remained largely unchanged growing by just 0.6 per cent during the quarter ended December a survey by economic thinktank NCAER has found. "NCAER's Business Confidence Index (BCI) remained relatively unchanged in the third quarter of 2015­16. "The 95th round of the Business Expectations Survey (BES) shows that the BCI increased...   Read More

  • Business sentiment remains stable in Q3: NCAER

    The business sentiment in the country remained largely unchanged growing by just 0.6 per cent during the quarter ended December a survey by economic thinktank NCAER has found. "NCAER's Business Confidence Index (BCI) remained relatively unchanged in the third quarter of 2015-16. "The 95th round of the Business Expectations Survey (BES) shows that the BCI...   Read More

  • Business Confidence Index remain stable in Q3: Economic think tank NCAER

    While sentiments regarding production domestic sales exports imports of raw materials pre-tax profits and costs either have remained the same or have shown marginal improvement during the quarter. The business sentiment in the country remained largely unchanged growing by just 0.6% during the quarter ended December a survey by economic thinktank NCAER has found. "NCAER's...   Read More

  • New GDP numbers: No final word yet

    Temporary dissonance is inevitable but that is no reason to give up constantly updating our compilation systems. The release of industry-wise Gross Value Added (GVA) at basic prices rather than industry-wise GDP at factor cost is part of the effort to streamline our numbers with international standards. (Reuters) Third quarter GDP numbers will be out...   Read More

  • Indian economy likely to grow at 7.4% in FY16: NCAER

    NEW DELHI: Indian economy is expected to grow at 7.4 per cent in the current fiscal despite weak performance of agriculture sector due to poor monsoon NCAER said. The GDP growth rate forecast is 7.4 per cent for 2015­2016 and 2016­17 the economic policy think­tank said in a report. According to the National Council of Applied Economic...   Read More

  • India Ratings pegs Q3 GDP growth at 7.6%

    The economy is likely to grow by 7.6% in the October-December quarter of the current fiscal the fastest pace of expansion in five quarters according to India Ratings. India Ratings said growth may have ticked higher in the third quarter by 7.6% compared to 7.4% in the second quarter of this fiscal. “Growth is likely...   Read More

  • Indian economy likely to grow at 7.4 pc in FY16: NCAER

    Indian Economy is expected to grow at 7.4 per cent in the current fiscal despite weak performance of agriculture sector due to poor monsoon NCAER said. The GDP growth rate forecast is 7.4 per cent for 2015-2016 and 2016-17 the economic policy think-tank said in a report. According to the National Council of Applied Economic...   Read More