NCAER in the News

Opinion: Poonam Gupta. In September this year, India will complete 8 years since it implemented Inflation Targeting (IT). Consistent with the experience of other countries, in India too, IT has been credited with improved outcomes: gentler and less volatile headline inflation; anchored inflationary expectations; improved communication and transparency; enhanced transmission of monetary policy; greater independence...   Read More


  • Prejudice, even in pardes

    An upper-caste Gujarati family who ran a grocery shop in the US wanted to know the name of the Indian sitting next to them in a private van in Pennsylvania. When his name did not reveal his caste they probed further and asked for his surname. He said he was South Indian and didn't have...   Read More

  • Biggest caste survey: One in four Indians admit to practising untouchability

    Sixty-four years after caste untouchability was abolished by the Constitution more than a fourth of Indians say they continue to practise it in some form in their homes the biggest ever survey of its kind has revealed. Those who admit to practising untouchability belong to virtually every religious and caste group including Muslims Scheduled Castes...   Read More

  • Arranging a marriage: how India does it

    New numbers shed light on what the typical Indian marriage looks like   I wrote last week on inter-caste marriage and how just five per cent of women in the National Council of Applied Economic Research’s (NCAER) pan-India survey said that theirs had been an inter-caste marriage. The numbers got me thinking about arranged marriage...   Read More

  • Just 5% of Indian marriages are inter-caste: survey

    30 per cent of rural and 20 per cent of urban households said they practised untouchability   Just five per cent of Indians said they had married a person from a different caste says the first direct estimate of inter-caste marriages in India.   The India Human Development Survey (IHDS) conducted by the National Council...   Read More

  • The Economic Times: NCAER lowers India GDP growth forecast for this year to 5%

    NEW DELHI: The National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) has lowered India's GDP growth forecast to 5 per cent in the current financial year on weak economical fundamentals and uncertainties in growth prospects.    The economic think-tank in its earlier projection had suggested that the Indian economy was likely to grow at 5.7 per...   Read More

  • Financial Chronicle: NCAER lowers GDP growth forecast to 5% for this year

    Fundamentals of economy remain weak with uncertainties prevailing   India’s economic recovery is still elusive according to economic think-tank NCAER which forecast a slower GDP growth this financial year unlike other forecasts including that of government.     In its mid-year review of the economy for this financial year NCAER said GDP growth would be...   Read More

  • Business Standard: Mid-Year Relief

    With an uncertain global outlook much work is still ahead   The India International Centre (IIC) in New Delhi has been organising an annual mid-year review of the Indian economy for a long time in collaboration with different research institutions each year. This year's edition was presented by the National Council of Applied Economic Research...   Read More

  • The Hindu: NCAER lowers India GDP growth forecast to 5% in 2014-15

    In its mid-year review of the economy the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) has lowered its 2014-15 growth forecast for India to 5 per cent. In July the think-tank had put out a growth forecast of 5.7 per cent. The projection of a slowdown is despite the 5.7 per-cent growth in the first...   Read More

  • Think tank NCAER sees economy slowing

    The mid-year review of the economy by the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) released here on Saturday paints a sobering picture with the outlook for 2014-15 worsening from the beginning of the financial year.   After growing at 5.7 per cent in the first quarter the NCAER estimates the gross domestic product will...   Read More

  • India’s sanitation needs: NCAER’s research findings cited in the New York Times

    India may finally be on the verge of making progress on eradicating one of its most intractable problems: open defecation because of a lack of toilets. Prime Minister Narendra Modi deserves credit for focusing on the scourge. But it will take more than words to solve a problem the nation’s leaders have been promising to...   Read More