NCAER in the News

Opinion: Poonam Gupta. In September this year, India will complete 8 years since it implemented Inflation Targeting (IT). Consistent with the experience of other countries, in India too, IT has been credited with improved outcomes: gentler and less volatile headline inflation; anchored inflationary expectations; improved communication and transparency; enhanced transmission of monetary policy; greater independence...   Read More


  • Aerocities: Upcoming Havens of Socio-Economic Development

    Opinion: Mukta Kaushik. In India Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport can boast about being the first airport that has a “well planned, safe, smart and sustainable commercial district” adjacent to it that promotes work, play, world class cuisine, and entertainment to the travelers and socio-economic development to the airport community. While going to and from...   Read More

  • The key to a sovereign’s resilience

    Opinion: Udaibir Das. Aligning assets with liabilities management can ‘optimise resource allocation and achieve long-term economic goals’ As economic data show increasing fragmentation, investment strategies face unprecedented challenges. The OMFIF Global Public Pensions 2023 report examines how global public pensions and sovereign funds are coping with the weakest global growth prospects in decades. While the report reveals...   Read More

  • Climate change: Are we close to collective action?

    Opinion: Isha Dayal and Sanjib Pohit. Global action. A body, akin to WTO, which can enforce rules to govern multilateral action on climate change is the need of the hour. Ahead of the first global stock take on climate action, due to take place at COP28 in Dubai, a new report released by the United...   Read More

  • The time for Africa’s financial transformation is now

    Opinion: Udaibir Das. In her 2009 book Dead Aid, Zambian economist Dambisa Moyo probes why Africa trails in economic prosperity compared to other emerging nations. Global narratives often overlook the need for creative, transformative and continent-specific changes. One such area is Africa’s financial sector. As a pivotal player in Africa’s development, the sector, unfortunately, has...   Read More

  • Indians do work long hours

    Opinion: Palash Baruah and DL Wankhar.   Work-life. There is no consensus on the optimum weekly work hours. But working hours must be linked to productivity and output Arriving at an optimum and acceptable work hours has been a continuing debate in labour and employment discourse and we are far from a consensus. The debate...   Read More

  • Press Release: NCAER-NSE Business Expectations Survey for 2023–24:Q2

    Business sentiments rose in 2023–24: Q2 as compared to last quarter   The National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), one of India’s premier economic policy research think tanks, carried out the 126th Round of its Business Expectations Survey (BES) in September 2023, with support from the National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE). NCAER...   Read More

  • Fish consumption in India in 2022-23 and future prospects

    Opinion: Saurabh Bandyopadhyay, Laxmi Joshi and Nijara Deka. Fish contributes to ensuring domestic food and nutritional security and India registered a per capita yearly consumption of over 13 kg in 2022-23. In addition, more varieties of fish are available for consumption by households through expanding market networks. However, Indian consumption is still below the international...   Read More

  • India needs both e-vehicles and biofuels

    Opinion: Sanjib Pohit and Anupma Mehta. E-vehicle adoption needs changes in building bye-laws and huge charging infra. Complementing with biofuels is pragmatic. Given that vehicles are the biggest culprits for polluting Delhi, the government has launched a stringent drive against polluting vehicles this year, through measures such as banning petrol and diesel vehicles older than...   Read More

  • Chattogram Port: A win-win for India and Bangladesh

    Opinion: Saurabh Bandyopadhyay. The opening up of the Chattogram Port for transit and transhipment of goods and allowing regular movement is a powerful testimony of the India-Bangladesh partnership. The decision taken by the taxation authority of Bangladesh to issue a Permanent Standing Order for the operationalisation of the Chittagong port for the transit of Indian...   Read More

  • India needs a gender strategy

    Opinion: Poonam Gupta. India must adopt a holistic gender strategy consisting of fiscal, administrative, and regulatory measures, combined with public messaging and mindset changes. Globally, the average workforce participation is 50 per cent for women and 80 per cent for men. In India, the corresponding ratio is similar for men, but strikingly lower for women,...   Read More