NCAER in the News

Opinion: Poonam Gupta. In September this year, India will complete 8 years since it implemented Inflation Targeting (IT). Consistent with the experience of other countries, in India too, IT has been credited with improved outcomes: gentler and less volatile headline inflation; anchored inflationary expectations; improved communication and transparency; enhanced transmission of monetary policy; greater independence...   Read More


  • The art of giving – Duties of givers and receivers of funds

    There has been a long tradition in India of large business groups endowing academic and research institutions but in recent years a new trend seems to be emerging. A few days ago Nandan and Rohini Nilekani contributed Rs 50 crore to the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) a sizeable amount by any standards the interest from...   Read More

  • Nilekani couple gifts Rs 50 crore to NCAER

    In what is one of the largest private gifts to an independent economics research organisation in the country Nandan and Rohini Nilekani have gifted Rs 50 crore (around $8.08 million) to the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) from their personal wealth. The funds will be used to fund a new India Centre of...   Read More

  • In India, we do not take good research till the last mile: Shekhar Shah

    After receiving one of the largest private gifts to an independent research body in India the National Council of Applied Economic Research plans new study initiatives to redevelop its campus and so on. Director General Shekhar Shah talks to Somesh Jha about these plans and the problems such think tanks face in India. Edited excerpts:...   Read More

  • University of Michigan inks tie-ups with NCAER and AIIMS

    NEW DELHI: In a bid to foster deeper ties with Indian academic institutions and think tanks The University of Michigan inked partnerships with The National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) and AIIMS in New Delhi last week. The five-year MoU between NCAER and the University of Michigan's Survey Research Center (SRC) is aimed at...   Read More

  • National well being –  Here’s how states fare on the misery index

    Rachna Sharma Never mind what surveys might say about Indians being among the happiest people on earth. A country that's home to a third of the world's poor must almost by definition have quite a large number of people who are pretty miserable; at least in terms of economic well-being. This is where the Misery...   Read More

  • Moving from charity to responsibility – The rules for India’s new companies act

    Shekhar Shah India's rapidly-growing philanthropic community has received a huge shot in the arm with the CSR provisions of the new Companies Act: companies above a certain size must formulate a CSR policy and annually spend at least two per cent of their average net profits over the prior three years. That will translate in...   Read More

  • The best is yet to come: PM at NCAER

    Prime Minister Manmohan Singh laid the foundation stone of the National Council for Applied Economic Research's New Centre here this morning. Urging the institution to maintain its high standards of economic research, the Prime Minister said, "The best is yet to come." “I sincerely hope that this institute will stay faithful to what its founding...   Read More

  • Clever governments can’t mislead if you study economics, says PM

    The purpose of studying economics is not to provide settled answers to unsettled questions Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said in New Delhi on Saturday. "The purpose of the study of economics is not to provide settled answers to unsettled and difficult questions but sometimes to warn economists and the world-at-large how not to be misled...   Read More

  • Five-Year Plan: The difference between five and eight per cent: Shashanka Bhide and Purna Chandra Parida

    The dream run of the Indian economy between 2003 and 2008 raised expectations of a continued flow of investment into the physical and social sectors. With the GDP growth rising to around eight per cent per year over that five-year period India appeared to move towards an era of sustained high economic growth. Even the...   Read More

  • When incomes grow, but jobs elude: Sonalde Desai

    The latest NSSO data also underlines the increasing absence of women from the labour market Every time results from one of the "thick" rounds of the National Sample Survey come out we get into a feeding frenzy trying to slice and dice the statistics for changes since the previous round. Since NSS large rounds are...   Read More