India and the Coronavirus Pandemic: Economic Losses for Households Engaged in Tourism and Policies for Recovery

India and the Coronavirus Pandemic: Economic Losses for Households Engaged in Tourism and Policies for Recovery

This study sponsored by Ministry of Tourism focussed on the following objectives:

  • Quantify the sector-wise (or industry-wise) direct and indirect impact of tourism activities on overall economy, as a whole and especially on household income, which may be further disaggregated into different types of households like formal and informal.
  • Quantify the sector-wise and overall loss in income of the economy and of the household sector and also the loss in jobs, due to the impact of Coronavirus pandemic on the tourism sector.
  • Estimate the impact of gradual opening up of domestic tourism activities and of the sectors related to tourism.
  • Estimate the likely impact of opening of international tourism, in the phased manner.
  • Propose policy measures appropriate to provide relief to the tourism sector, in general, and households involved in tourism related activities, in particular, based on feedback received from various stakeholders.



  • 2237India and the Coronavirus Pandemic: Economic Losses for Households Engaged in Tourism and Policies for Recovery

    Poonam Munjal is a Professor at the NCAER. She has worked on a wide variety of studies, including the N-SIPI investment index, tourism satellite accounts, impact of investment in housing sector and a number of research studies based on input-output models. Previously, she worked as an Associate Director at PricewaterhouseCoopers Pvt Ltd. and as an...   Read More

  • 469India and the Coronavirus Pandemic: Economic Losses for Households Engaged in Tourism and Policies for Recovery

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  • 2225India and the Coronavirus Pandemic: Economic Losses for Households Engaged in Tourism and Policies for Recovery

    Devender Pratap is a Senior Fellow at NCAER. His current research interests include trade policy analysis/CGE modelling, GTAP database, social accounting matrix, input output analysis, construction of base-run for CGE modelling, macro-econometric modelling and agricultural/livestock economy. At NCAER, he has handled three major CGE models in single-country and multi-country frameworks. He has also been involved...   Read More

  • 2243India and the Coronavirus Pandemic: Economic Losses for Households Engaged in Tourism and Policies for Recovery

    Asrar Alam is an Associate Fellow at the NCAER States, Sectors, Surveys, and Impact Evaluation division. He has worked on a wide variety of studies, including both survey and non-survey-based studies, some major studies include; Assessment of Faceless Assessment Scheme of Income Tax Department, Education Satellite Account, Tourism Satellite Accounts, Gems & Jewellery sector of...   Read More