NCAER in the News

Opinion: Poonam Gupta. In September this year, India will complete 8 years since it implemented Inflation Targeting (IT). Consistent with the experience of other countries, in India too, IT has been credited with improved outcomes: gentler and less volatile headline inflation; anchored inflationary expectations; improved communication and transparency; enhanced transmission of monetary policy; greater independence...   Read More


  • India needs to shed ‘hesitation of history in order to grow its exports

    As Subramanian argues India simply cannot get a sustained 8% growth without a significant export growth. (PTI) Though Brexit is the latest threat to globalization as chief economic advisor (CEA) Arvind Subramanian pointed out at the India Policy Forum Lecture on Tuesday the seeds of the destruction of the era of hyper-globalisation – exports-to-GDP rose...   Read More

  • Consumption-led model cannot give us double-digit growth: CEA

    NEW DELHI: The Chief Economic Advisor (CEA) to the Prime Minister Arvind Subramanian believes a solely consumption­led model of economic growth will not be able to sustain a double­digit growth rate in India. Speaking at the India Policy Forum 2016 organised by the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) Subramanian said the new wave of...   Read More

  • Only exports can sustain 8-10% growth rate: Arvind Subramanian

    New Delhi: In the wake of developed nations moving away from globalization India should take the lead in pursuing the goal of open markets and develop an export­led strategy for strong economic growth as only domestic consumption cannot sustain an 8­10% economic growth over the medium term chief economic adviser Arvind Subramanian said on Tuesday. Delivering the 2016 India Policy...   Read More

  • Export plan vital for sustained 8% growth: CEA

    Subramanian on Tuesday came out strongly in favour of the central government's Make in India campaign saying that an export­oriented strategy was essential for India to achieve an eight per cent annual growth trajectory on a sustained basis. On the impact of Brexit on the Indian economy Subramanian said while it would impact growth in the UK and...   Read More

  • Tackling poverty in India: Jobs, not transfers, the big poverty-buster

    The significant shift from farm work to non-farm sources of income accelerated the decline in poverty in India. Non-farm jobs pay more than agricultural labour and incomes from both were propelled by a steep rise in wages for rural unskilled labour. While lower dependency rates and transfers — from remittances and social programmes — have...   Read More

  • How women marry in India

    A significant share of women in the country get married without even the most basic forms of communication with their to-be-spouses before their wedding day Indian women may be shedding their clichéd demure image but when it comes to matters of choosing life partners they still opt for the traditional conventional ways. According to the...   Read More

  • India Inc’s business confidence dips, reveals NCAER study

    Their survey index of firms dipped in JanApril to a 10quarter low; however political confidence measure rose India Inc's confidence in the economy and their businesses fell to a 10quarter low in the threemonth period ending April this year showed a survey of the National Council of Applied Economic Research. Their Business Confidence Index (BCI) declined to 121.6 points in the...   Read More

  • Business confidence falls 6.7% in fourth quarter last fiscal: NCAER

    The business confidence fell 6.7 per cent in the fourth quarter last fiscal signalling subdued sentiments says an NCAER survey. “The 96th round of the Business Expectations Survey (BES) shows that the Business Confidence Index (BCI) registered a decrease of 6.7 per cent in April 2016 over January 2016 on a quarter-on-quarter (q-o-q) basis thus...   Read More

  • 77 percent Indian parents expect to live with sons in old age

    Almost 77 percent of Indian parents expect to live with their sons in old age while seven percent want to live with their daughters according to the India Human Development Survey (IHDS) conducted jointly by researchers from University of Maryland and National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) New Delhi. These are the findings from...   Read More

  • Good monsoon to increase economic growth in 2016-17

    India’s GDP is estimated to grow at 7.6 per cent in 2015–16 and 7.7 per cent in 2016– 17 due to a favourable monsoon the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) said. The Delhi-based think-tank said on Saturday the numbers mark significant revision upwards from its January 2016 forecast when it had predicted a...   Read More