Tourism Satellite Account 2018-19, Uttarakhand

Tourism Satellite Account 2018-19, Uttarakhand

Poonam Munjal Palash Baruah Asrar Alam Nijara Deka Sundus Usmani
September 2021

Tourism is  clearly an important activity in Uttarakhand in view of its immense contribution to both revenue generation as well as employment creation in the State. It is in this context that the present study, NCAER undertook this study to prepare a Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) for quantifying the economic value of tourism in terms of the Gross Value Added (GVA) it generates and the number of jobs it creates in the State, assumes great significance. Based on the methodology delineated by the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) in its publication called “Tourism Satellite Account: Recommended Methodological Framework, 2008 (TSA: RMF 2008)”, this study adopts the internationally adopted framework of TSA tables and accounts to arrive at the economic value of tourism, at the sub-national level, for Uttarakhand. This value is referred to as the direct share of tourism to the economy. In addition, this study estimates the indirect share of tourism, which results from its linkages with other sectors of the economy.

States, Sectors, Surveys, and Impact Evaluation