Since its inception in December 2017, the NCAER National Data Innovation Centre has been promoting methodological research in methods of data collection to capture better quality data and strengthen the data ecosystem in India. As part of NDIC’s mandate to build a community of innovators in the data sphere, one of its activities was to seek proposals on data collection methods. In 2018-19, the theme of the research grant was Methodological Experiments with Telephone Surveys in India across the domains of household income and expenditure, labour force participation, financial inclusion, health insurance and out-of-pocket expenditure, gender equality and empowerment, other forms of social inequality, and agriculture. The eligible applicants included affiliates from academic or research institutes, non-profit organisations, and private companies having offices within India. The goal of this grant was to facilitate a collaboration between research institutions and NDIC researchers in future activities, allowing the Centre to expand its network and the skill sets of professionals associated with it. The final reports submitted by these institutional grantees can be accessed here.
Sujatha Srinivasan, Geetanjali GK & Anup Roy “Mobile Phone Surveys Phone Surveys and Sensitive Behaviour Reporting: Evidence from a Methods Experiment in India” Institutions Grantee Report Number 01, NCAER National Data Innovation Centre, New Delhi. August 2020
Payal Hathi, Amit Thorat,Nazar Khalid Nidhi Khurana, Diane Coffey “Mobile Phone Surveys Methods for Measuring Social Discrimination” Institutions Grantee Report Number 02, NCAER National Data Innovation Centre, New Delhi. June 2020
Deepti Goel, Rosa Abraham and Rahul Lahoti “Improving Survey Quality Using Para Data: Lessons from the India Working Survey" Institutions Grantee Report Number 03, NCAER National Data Innovation Centre, New Delhi. June 2021
Arpita Ghosh and Laurent Billot “Patterns in Paradata from Delhi Metropolitan Area Study” Institutions Grantee Report Number 04, NCAER National Data Innovation Centre, New Delhi. October 2021