This paper reviews methodologies that have been in vogue for some decades in studies concerning supply response in agriculture. In supply response studies, one has to view output supply and factor demand functions (and perhaps, institutional constraints) in a simultaneous equations framework. It is in this context that different models that are generally used in... Read More
In the past, growth models have been constructed and analyzed with the help of a production function subject to certain restrictive features. For quite some time, the Cobb-Douglas production function (CD) with its input exponents adding upto unity and a unitary elasticity of substitution were mostly used by the economists for analysis. In recent times,... Read More
Two important considerations in capital budgeting are the cost or economic value aspect and the liquidity aspect. The periods associated with “tight money” tend to increase the relative importance of the liquidity aspect. On the other hand, "tight monetary policy" and increase in interest rates aimed at curbing inflation may result in higher cost of... Read More
The international trade in horticulture commodities such as cut flowers, fresh fruits and vegetables is expanding at a higher rate than trade in other commodities. No wonder there has been great deal of interest in APEDA in the role of horticultural products as an important means of agricultural diversification and foreign exchange earnings in India... Read More
Foreign trade plays an important role in the economic development of all nations. While considering foreign trade between closed economics, we often are faced with the phenomenon of illegal international trade. While much effort has been made by economists to track foreign trade related illegal transactions through legal channels via under and over as well... Read More
There have been major changes in the investment scenario in India after the changes in economic policies since July 1991. Private investment in manufacturing and infrastructure have begun to be the new engines of growth. The capital markets have seen dramatic changes. Indian companies are raising more and more capital from the markets in India.... Read More
NCAER from time to time publishes working papers reporting the most recent research focus of the faculty members, based on the ongoing projects as well as their independent research. This working paper titled ‘Health Transition in India’ consists of papers recently written by Abusaleh Shariff, the Principal Economist and Head of the Human Development Research... Read More
NCAER conducted the sole national survey of household incomes, savings and investments, in 1978. Such surveys in a country as big as India, with a part of household transactions taking place by barter and high incidence of tax evasion, create complications in generating reliable estimates of income and its distribNCAER conducted the sole national survey... Read More
The National Council of Applied Economic Research has conducted several surveys since 1986 to study the markets for a variety of consumer goods. As part of the fourth study in the series, the “market information survey of households (MISH)”, a household survey of medical care was conducted in 1990, to elicit information on the nature... Read More
This may be the last budget which can be presented by the current government of India. It is therefore also a pre-general Election year Budget. It follows a series of election defeats of the ruling Congress Party, earlier in December 1994 in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh; and this month (March 1995) in Maharashtra and Gujarat.... Read More