The objectives of the project were threefold: (1) to assess the implementation process, flow of funds, quality of assets, coverage of scheme, impact on livelihood, convergence issues, migration issues, extension of scheme to urban areas, record maintenance, capacity of implementing authorities, norms followed and involvement of PRIs; (2) to examine post construction maintenance aspects, different... Read More
Pending legislation, which will guarantee access by the poor to a specified quantity of food grains, the National Food Security Bill stands to have a major impact on the food grain stocking policy in India. The Bill mentions cash transfers and issuing food coupons to eligible families. However, no concrete steps have been spelled out... Read More
This project is complementary to the NCAER study commissioned by Ministry of Agriculture on Agricultural Outlook and Situation Analysis Reports. The project will help to build capacity for providing regular and periodic reports on agricultural outlook and will utilise international best practices in this regard.
The study focuses on integrating information relating to inputs, outputs, and markets for the major agricultural products to provide an assessment of the emerging agricultural outlook in the economy. The study will consider developments in the domestic economy and also global markets with implications for Indian agriculture and focus on food crops, given the significance... Read More
India’s cotton economy has witnessed significant changes after the introduction of Bt technology in 2002. In a relatively short span of 10 years, the country has become the second largest producer of cotton in the world. The rapid growth in India’s cotton production has attracted a lot of attention within as well as outside the... Read More
The primary objective of this research is to develop policies and programs targeted at the early exploitation of the most cost effective GHG abatement options within Indian agriculture. Subsidiary objectives are to document current national policy settings affecting the Indian agricultural sector which may inadvertently be encouraging high emission production activities or the use of... Read More
Decentralization, Rural governance and Inclusive Growth: Linkage and Implications is the main theme of the research at National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), New Delhi. This research project is funded by International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada, under the program “Globalization, Growth and Poverty”. The major focus of work is to analyse various aspects... Read More
Saurabh Bandyopadhyay is a Senior Fellow at NCAER. He has undertaken a wide variety of studies, including; Railways Passenger and Freight, Ratnagiri Refinery and Petrochemicals, Cement, etc. in the Infrastructure Sector; Agriculture Outlook, Convergence of Agricultural Intervention in Maharashtra, National Cooperative Development Council, National Dairy Development Board, Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Ministry of Fishery, Animal... Read More
Sanjib Pohit is a Professor at NCAER. He is an experienced modeler in the area of trade and environment with 20 years of modelling experience. His domain of research experience includes science and technology policies, institutional economics, transport economics, input-output models, FDI, informal trade, automobile industry, and South Asian integration. Previously, he held position at... Read More
Shashanka Bhide is an Honorary Senior Adviser at NCAER. He was associated with NCAER from 1982 to 2014 in different capacities. After leaving NCAER in July 2014, he took up the position of Director, Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai until his retirement in December 2018. His research has covered a number of areas in... Read More
Gurucharan Manna is a Senior Adviser at NCAER. He was the Director General of the Central Statistical Office (CSO) and National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) in the Government of India. Dr Manna has nearly 40 years of specialized experience in sample design, estimation procedures for household and establishment surveys, and the design of survey questionnaires... Read More
Anil K Sharma is Secretary to the Governing Body and Operations Director. He has held several positions at NCAER after joining in 1992 including the Officiating Director General in May-June 2021. He has also been the NABARD Chair Professor at NCAER; Visiting Researcher at the International Trade Division, The World Bank, Washington D.C. USA; Consultant to the... Read More
Bornali Bhandari is a Professor at NCAER with a background in international economics and macroeconomics, specifically focusing on the impact of globalisation on development. Currently, she is engaged in a number of industry studies including automobiles, farm mechanisation, and digitisation. Her wider research interests include analysis of skilling from a 3-E perspective (education, employability and... Read More
Rajesh Kumar Jaiswal, Fellow at NCAER. He has been the Principal Investigator for an evaluation study of MGNREGA by the Planning Commission. His expertise is survey-based research in the social sector with strong skills in qualitative research methods.
Laxmi Joshi is a Fellow at NCAER with research interests in agriculture and rural development. She has worked on issues related to the Agricultural Outlook Situation Analysis, National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, economic benefits of weather and marine services, air pollution issues in agriculture, India’s cotton revolution, dairy development, convergence and agricultural intervention in Maharashtra, farm... Read More
Devender Pratap is a Senior Fellow at NCAER. His current research interests include trade policy analysis/CGE modelling, GTAP database, social accounting matrix, input output analysis, construction of base-run for CGE modelling, macro-econometric modelling and agricultural/livestock economy. At NCAER, he has handled three major CGE models in single-country and multi-country frameworks. He has also been involved... Read More
Palash Baruah is a Fellow at the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER). He is a Statistician by training and is involved in sampling design for various studies conducted by the NCAER. He has been involved in many large-scale studies at the NCAER relating to agriculture, households income & expenditure, youth, impact of communication... Read More
Ajaya Kumar Sahu is a Fellow at NCAER. He is an Agricultural Economist by training. During his stay at the NCAER, he has worked on areas like poverty analysis, issues related to agriculture and rural development, labour and employment with special reference to quality of jobs and skills, public finance and analysis of price dynamics. ... Read More
Ruchi Jain is an Associate Fellow at NCAER. She is a demographer by training. Her primary research interest is in public health, gender, reproductive and sexual health and migration. At NCAER, she has worked on various projects like IDRC, IHDS and Rural Housing. Currently she is working with the National Data Innovation Centre. Her doctoral work... Read More
Falak Naz is working as a Research Analyst at NCAER. She has a degree in urban planning from Amity University. Her primary area of research includes urban planning and mapping. She has undertaken a wide variety of studies, including the NCAER Land Records Services Index (N-LRSI), 2020 and 2021, Evaluation Study of the Rashtriya Gram... Read More
Poonam Dhawan is working as a Research Team Assistant at NCAER.