The National Survey of Household Income and Expenditure (NSHIE), also titled “Living in India Survey”, is aimed at capturing the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of Indian households, with a particular focus on income expenditure, savings and debt, and other aspects of household life in India. These include amenities and dwelling details, water usage, health, remote payment and detailed consumer behaviour data, with a section on the consumer mind space. The survey was conducted in two phases, starting with a listing survey. Over 514,000 households were canvassed during listing which was completed in July 2011. The main survey was completed in September 2012. A meeting of the NSHIE Technical Advisory Committee was held in March 2012 where the results of the listing survey were shared and approved.
Anil K Sharma is Secretary to the Governing Body and Operations Director. He has held several positions at NCAER after joining in 1992 including the Officiating Director General in May-June 2021. He has also been the NABARD Chair Professor at NCAER; Visiting Researcher at the International Trade Division, The World Bank, Washington D.C. USA; Consultant to the... Read More
Prabir Kumar Ghosh is a Senior Fellow at NCAER. Currently, he is involved in coordinating all-India level survey work and analysis of large scale primary data. His research interests include development economics, human development, income, expenditure, poverty & nutrition, demography, and budgetary analysis on social sector & poverty alleviation programs.
Palash Baruah is an Associate Fellow at the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER). He is a Statistician by training and is involved in sampling design for various studies conducted by the NCAER. He has been involved in many large-scale studies at the NCAER relating to agriculture, households income & expenditure, youth, impact of communication... Read More
Asrar Alam is an Associate Fellow at the NCAER States, Sectors, Surveys, and Impact Evaluation division. He has worked on a wide variety of studies, including both survey and non-survey-based studies, some major studies include; Assessment of Faceless Assessment Scheme of Income Tax Department, Education Satellite Account, Tourism Satellite Accounts, Gems & Jewellery sector of... Read More